maandag 14 december 2020

Donau & Figurines. Vergessenes 3 Frauenerbe Anneke erzählt über Catal H...

#Donau –Danu und ihren Göttinnen wieder Namen und Bedeutung geben 2019 

#Regensburg #Urtanz mit Anneke Wittermans  

Neue Bilder machen, in denen sich die Frauen wiederspiegeln;

Wie können wir uns das alte Wissen der eigenen #Göttinnen und das #VergessenesFrauenerbe sichtbar machen? Nicht in der Zeit zurückgehen, aber neue Geschichten schreiben, neue Bilder machen, neue Namen finden und neue Gedichte schreiben, so dass für uns selbst sichtbar wird, dass wir das Leben und die Umgebung segnen und ehren können.

Wir brauchen nicht die Göttinnen anderer Regionen (Indien, Griechenland, Rom, Irland) zu ehren. Jetzt ist die Zeit da, die uns wieder herausfordert, neue, gute Bilder zu erschaffen, so dass unsere eigene Würde sichtbar (getragen) werden kann.

Die Kraft der Donau und die #Steinzeit-Symbolik der #Figurine erkennen.

Diese Dame ist keine Venus, besitzt aber die #Frauenkraft vom Fluss

Können wir uns jetzt ein Bild machen, um #Danu und die Kraft der Donau zu ehren?

Freigeben und Versöhnen Anneke Wittermans erzählt



Anneke Wittermans , dance teacher since 1981 OERDANS-DIADANS ,
In honor of voice and body language, Anneke Wittermans is the developer of movements to restore dignity en acknowledge the value of nature and life. She urges humans through dance to anchor qualities in their body and mind. We are now in a transition period, just now the importance to carry value. It demands us to turn around and take care of all people and Mother Earth. Anneke Wittermans offers through dance and poetry significant tools for development. She brings value so that we can carry our sorrows in grace. She offers meaningful movement and language to assist in upgrading our dignity and compassion.  In dance, she has been gathering over 40 years of music and dances the uniqueness of indigenous people. The importance of the music and movement in which is hidden the forgotten precision of body language and religion. In great honor to nature and diversity, she dances for reason and acknowledgment.

Anneke Wittermans is founder member and inspirator of and writer of the book: Vrijgeven, vieren van verbintenissen. ISBN: 978.90.8840.081.0 NUR: 724.

Training of talented dancers, musicians, or artists in their personal attitude and radiation. Specialties: Coach, endorsing, and challenging people to become who they really are.

With the dance she opens new territory, you can find instruction video’s on Diadans  Youtube
Also, she offers in Germany dance URTANZ  on youtube

She initiates projects
1.  Vrijgeven/ Freigeben/ To liberate 2.
Mourning, dealing with loss

2. (unwanted) Childless women can still carry fruits - Ode to the last of the female line The Last Bearer of the female family chain

You never understood why you weren’t blessed with any children of your own,  but there you are alone at the end of the maternal line. In reading the Ode to the last of the female lineage you will find insight and encouragement for the exceptional position you find yourself in if you haven’t brought any children into the world. You will also come to realize, on your impulse, hangs the future, and you can be an innovator in society, free from your own interest or economic gain.

3. Cultural women's heritage, Hidden powerful neglected wisdom of  women:Nehalennia, Goddess of the sea and  of sight and abundance

Nehalennia, vrouwe van Schouwen en genoegens

The Figurines of the Donau (German)

4. Mammae, the nourishing principle, or the nipples of fine taste

 Diadans restore with dance the Mammae in honor, the oxytocin exchange between men and women. The art of giving and taking were the breast is situated as the antechamber of the heart.

Mammae, nipples of fine taste, bring the awareness back to both man and woman, that their sensitive nipple has multiple functions and brings dimensions of peace in the heart.  

5. Prostate Cancer Dance project:  to stand up for life :
Standing for Yes to life: What am I standing for The mystical long way before the conception can take place.

6. Chariklo, Spinning Grace 2020    

ENGLISH- Chariklo Spinning Grace 2020 en Chariklo is a Nymph and Centaur, partner of Chiron. It is precisely the couple who educate the children of the gods to activate what previously seemed to be a defect into a talent.

What are my 'uncomfortable injuries and disabilities' where I fall short in the past and probably specifically those pain points enable me to develop talent from experience and compassion Time to search the recesses of my consciousness and find my exiles? Get to know them again and who knows, those talents can now open other paths for me and others.

Training Coaching and dance

You can find the Englisch powerpoint on Chariklo here


Astrologically, Chariklo represents the graceful preservation of the own domain. The unique rings of this asteroid are representative of her knowledge. The rings allow her to preserve and define her identity. The path Chariklo travels as an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus tells that she lives beyond the traditional and she has a flexible attitude and thinks freely (Uranus knowledge). She offers us information just beyond our field of vision so that we can collect new knowledge and we can move along with what is now (Aquarius time) being asked of us.

Also a study of Chariklo in the twelve astrological signs


7. Mystery of the bees – Dancing for the bees and human understanding of their valid contribution to crops                     -- bees are dying, this is a world food disaster, it is a worldwide issue.  






donderdag 10 december 2020

#CharikloChallenge in Schorpioen Zoom #danceproject Chariklo in de 12 ...

#Chariklo in het achtste huis / Schorpioen (2006-2007-2010 1944-1948) Scorpio Talent voor diepe verborgen gewaarwordingen, deze te markeren en zo beschikbaar te maken. Talent: als een vroedvrouw staat zij processen bij van geboorte, leven en heengaan. Chariklo heeft weet van de waterwereld uit de periode dat zij nimf was. Toen nog onvolwassen, niet volgroeid en geheel ondergedompeld in de waterwereld. Zij erkent dat ze niet kan blijven waar ze is. Zij weet dat de transformatie naar Centaur definitief zal zijn en haar zal inwijden in het leven van volwassen vrouw. Zij kiest voor deze transitie, terwijl zij eerdere verworvenheden zal opgeven. Beseffend dat veranderingen noodzakelijk zijn voor groei. Door het erkennen van haar nimfen bestaan, waarin zij toont te kunnen verweken uit haar eerdere vorm, geeft dit haar de wijsheid om in een andere gedaante te kunnen ontplooien. Zij behoudt haar mystieke voorkomen, zij behoudt haar kennis van water en frequenties, van oplossen en sluiers. Dit weten zet ze in om de relatie met Cheiron in de uithoeken van het zonnestelsel vorm te geven. Chariklo leeft in een gelaagd universum waar zij zich met sluiers en ringen omhult. Zo toont zij ons een mystieke ruimte voor ingewijden. Haar creëren van tempels en mysteriën boezemen ontzag. In haar stille voorkomen en haar gracieus wentelen toont Chariklo dat zij heelmeester is en toonbeeld van transitie. Anneke Wittermans

dinsdag 8 december 2020

Chariklo Challenge in Leo Henk-Doeke Odinga improvise on the piano
A study in fine-tuning and frequencies through dance and sound. Henk-Doeke Odinga improvise on the tekst below. Chariklo in the fifth house / Leo (1995 1996-1996-1999-2000 in Leo) The talent for humour and heart-warming loving glance to life. Chariklo as an asteroid is not perfectly round, she has a large mountain, which holds her rings and makes her space circle elliptical, she is unusual and different. She has different ways. Her own eccentricity means that she can be liberating humorous, can deal creatively with 'being different', offers almost a turning point in life. Her humour can make us spin and light up, she can change the situation in the blink of an eye and it can be liberating. Humour is the tool that creatively rescues us from past traps. It can open the situation in a caressing, sketching or transformative way. Chariklo reminds us of our passion and arouses the desire to go for love. She shows us to create moments of love, also if it is quite exciting and adventurous, sometimes even a risky affair. Enjoy adventure, love and well-being. Anneke Wittermans is researching the meaning of Chariklo, Spinning Grace, the partner of Chiron in Greek Mythology, and Chariklo an astroid in the Kuyper belt. This year 2020 she is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Anneke Wittermans september 2020

Chariklo Challenge Virgo Henk-Doeke Odinga improvise

Chariklo in the sixth house / Virgo (1999-2000-2003-2004 Virgo) A study in fine-tuning and frequencies through dance and sound. Henk-Doeke Odinga improvise on the tekst below. The talent of assisting / standing by and not is solving it for the other. Chariklo marries Chiron, he is terminally ill. It requires her to live with a sick partner and to fine-tune with him for the education and coaching of the children of the gods. She develops expertise to live with flaws and to integrate their benefits and the deepening meaning of these injuries into existence. She maneuvers between sensitivities, fine and tender, pain as art for surrender, and applies the injuries in the learning processes. She uses the mental powers of sound, color, and herbal magic in the training of the children of the gods. Not solving but sensing the pain and gaining mastery is the motto at Chariklo and Chiron place. When it comes to doing something for others or if I think I know what is best for others, I may wonder who and what I am serving with it. Care: which concerns can be an essential contribution and which care is undermining and experienced as a burden? Allow pain to meld us and make us intelligent about how to deal with it. To learn to accept pain as a vehicle in the growth process. Allow a human to overcome the entire pain process themselves. Anneke Wittermans is researching the meaning of Chariklo, Spinning Grace, the partner of Chiron in Greek Mythology, and Chariklo an astroid in the Kuyper belt. This year 2020 she is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Anneke Wittermans 2020 Chariklo, Spinning Grace You can find the foto Albums both Dutsch pictures tekst as English

donderdag 3 december 2020

#Chariklochallenge in #Weegschaal

Chariklo in the seventh house / Libra 2004- 2006-2007 Libra Talent to ask the right questions to make more informed decisions earlier. Chariklo offers us in-between space with the realization that I am sovereign in my inner space. It is up to me to maintain a certain harmony in my environment. The aura (the rings, intermediate space) surrounds me, it is a buffer of awareness, this intermediate space offers me and the other a respectful and safe way of dealing. It is precisely this buffer space that gives me time to decide whether something fits or does not fit. Doing nothing is sometimes more adequate than intervening. Watching and waiting, contemplating, and contemplating shows that I consider it worthwhile to take time for nuances and refined images before committing myself. The need to negotiate to create an appropriate association so that I lovingly gave space for the other person to live in. Chariklo introduces us to the magic of music, subtle resonances that accompany us in our daily habits can ease our companionship.

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